Mission and Objectives
The Learning Resource Center (LRC) aims to support the vision and objectives of the institution in achieving the quality education and training through dynamic and responsive instruction, research, and extension programs. It is committed to provide accessible, cost-effective, and innovative information services and programs.
Its objective is to provide adequate, timely, and relevant information resources and innovative services that support the teaching, learning, and research needs of the MPCF community.
Toward this goal, the LRC is responsible for:
- Selection, acquisition, development, organization, preservation, and dissemination of information resources in support of the academic and other concerns of the Institution;
- Provision of learning materials and information to meet the needs of the students, faculty, and staff of the Institution;
- Provision of instructional assistance and promotion in the use of learning resources and services by providing a user-friendly and total care environment conducive to client needs;
- Provision and arrangement of physical facilities, equipment, and use of appropriate technology conducive to work, research, study, and learning;
- Establishment of appropriate linkages with other libraries and research institutions to enhance intellectual information resources and promote resource sharing;
- Development and encouragement of qualified and service-oriented staff crucial to the provision of quality services.
The LRC Staff
Policy Statement
The MPCF-LC Learning Resource Center is committed to provide print and non-print materials that support the curriculum and fulfill the information needs of students, faculty, staff and administration through continuous building and maintaining of a vital collection.
Learning Resource Center Principles
In our interactions with clients and colleagues, we adhere in the core values of the Institution: Competence, Discipline, Social Responsibility, and Honesty.
Brief History
1985: The MPCF Library was organized in June 1985 on the day when MPCF Legazpi City was born. It was first located at the rented Leopando building. The first library holdings were mostly personal belongings of the founder Commodore Jaime C. Jimenez, Sr. and donations from a circle of Friends.
1986: The MPCF Library was transferred to the bigger Morante building, Bonot, Legazpi City to accommodate the growing population of enrolees. The first books acquired were mostly on accounting, business, economics and history, many of them through donations from Asia Foundation.
1987: The MPCF Library was transferred to the newly-acquired property at Rawis, Legazpi City. It was then located at the present site of the Chapel. The library then was housed at the room made of “sawali” and with a roof of “nipa”.
1989 : The Library was moved to the MBR annex, the present site of Eliza’s Dining Hall.
1990: The library was relocated to the main campus beside the Marine Engineering laboratory.
1993: The Library was moved to a secure place occupying the 2nd Floor of JCJ Bldg. and presently occupied by the Admin office and the Speech laboratory.
1994: The library was relocated again to its present location in a more spacious and conducive place.
2003: In June 2003, the MPCF Library was renamed to Learning Resource Center by the Board of Trustees.
2010: The Learning Resource Center is presently located at the northern part of the 2nd flr. of the JCJ Bldg.
LRC Clients
The LRC caters primarily to the information needs of the MPCF students and secondarily to faculty, staff, administrators and alumni as well as to researchers from different colleges and universities. Non-MPCF researchers are requested to present a referral letter from their university or college librarian for the use of MPCF-LC Learning Resource Center resources.
• Reference
• Current Awareness
• Technical
• Reader’s Assistance
• Interlibrary Loan
• LRC Orientation/Instruction
• Internet
• Referrals
Used to borrow learning resources and avail of LRC services; non-transferable.
LRC Hours
Open Monday to Friday from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. with a noon break from 12-1 p.m.; and on Saturday from 8 a.m. to 12 noon.
General Guidelines for LRC Clients
The following guidelines are applicable to students, faculty members, and other LRC clients:
- Client is required to log-in upon entering the LRC.
- Bags, jackets, caps, blue prints, mechanical drawing board, and case or parcel are prohibited in the reference section.
- Clients are forbidden to use periodicals outside the LRC.
- Permission should be sought prior to book loans from the LRC staff.
- Cellular phones should be switched off or put to silent mode before entering the LRC.
- Male student clients are required to tuck their shirt/polo before entering the LRC.
- Valuable things should always be attended by the clients - LRC is free from any liability of any stolen or lost items.
- The library staff reserves the right to:
- Ask clients to leave the LRC if they are inappropriately dressed or are causing disturbance; and
- Remove any book, file, bag, food, or any other personal belongings left on the reading tables.
- The following are required to secure LRC clearance:
- Faculty members and non-teaching employees who apply for leave of absence, at the end of semester, resignation or separation from the Institute;
- Students who apply for honorable dismissal; and
- Graduating students.
General Loan Policies
- LRC clients must present their valid ID [Library Card – for student; and borrower’s card – for MPCF employees] when borrowing materials. Borrowing must be done personally. Before leaving the LRC, the client-borrower must see to it that all LRC materials in their possession have been properly examined – free of any mutilation or defacement. If there is any it should be reported before borrowing the book. Students, faculty, and non-teaching personnel of MPCF-LC are allowed to utilize the resources for room use, overnight, and photocopying purposes.
- LRC clients will be held responsible and liable for all materials borrowed from the LRC. A penalty on overdue materials shall be imposed and the privilege to borrow shall be suspended until such time the penalty is served.
- Notices sent by the LRC for overdue materials serve only as a reminder and non-receipt of the notices does not absolve the borrower from penalties. The notices should be complied with immediately.
- LRC clients are allowed to gain access to the library services and materials using their library card only.
- LRC client must report the loss of a material to the concerned LRC staff. Penalty will be implemented. Likewise, borrowers who lost LRC material are liable to pay for the current cost of the material or the replacement of a current edition/issue or copy of the same material.
- Alumni and other non-MPCF researchers are allowed LRC materials for library use only.
- LRC privileges provided for the clients will be suspended for overdue materials.
Specific Loan Policies
- One month loan period and subject to renewal. A maximum of three (3) books may be borrowed at a time (for Faculty and Staff only).
- Student is allowed to borrow one (1) book at a time.
- Allowed for overnight use, and should be returned not later than 9:00 A.M. the next working day.
- One (1) reserved book may be borrowed for overnight use, and should be returned not later than 9 a.m. the following working day.
(e.g. encyclopaedias, dictionaries, atlases, almanacs, etc.)
- For library use only.
- Photocopying of selected book pages will be handled by the LRC staff.
- Current periodicals: Room use only
- Bound periodicals: maybe borrowed for overnight use, and should be returned not later than 9 a.m. the following school day.
- Photocopying of articles will be handled by the LRC staff.
- To be returned within the day.
- A maximum of two (2) materials may be borrowed at one time.